Sunday, March 7, 2010

I neglected to update this for quite a while because I was so ridiculously busy with my ever-growing list of things to do.

Let's update that, shall we?

  • Find another part-time job.
No luck, yet. However... my dad and I were discussing this earlier today.
My plan is to write a base letter explaining my situation and that I am
seeking employment. I'll attach a copy of my resume and several letters
of recommendation and send it out to every Veterinary Hospital, Animal
Control Center, and Grooming Shop in the area. Chances are, someone
will be able to use me, and what's the worse that can happen? They don't
respond? I waste 5 bucks worth of stamps? Doesn't matter. I'll still be
getting my name out there. It's a win/win no matter what.
  • Oh, College. Apply to Baker College. This is an important bullet.
Check mark. :) But, let's go a step further.
  • Orientation. Registration. Class Schedule...
Check, check, check. Spring classes start in 1 month. I went to Orientation a couple of weeks ago and my class schedule came in the mail today.

Math 111: Intro to Algebra (blegh, math..) Thursdays 6-10 PM
PSY 101: Human Relations - Tuesdays and Thursdays 12-2 PM
COL 111A: College Success Strategies - First 3 Tuesdays 6-10 PM
INF 115A: Intro to Database Applications - Last 5 Tuesdays 6-10 PM
ENG 102: Composition II - Online 5 days per week

Total Credits: 14

I took the compass admittance test about a month ago and ended up testing out of 6 classes right away, which was very helpful, really. So I'm more than a semester ahead of most of the other Vet Tech students, which is a plus.

  • Fafsa. The joys of Fafsa.
Check. Actually, double check.. because not only did I complete the fafsa for this year, I also took care of next years as well. This year I have to use my dad's, which means I'm not getting grants, but loans instead. However next year I am using my mother's which got me grants because she lives with her parents and doesn't make much money. So that's actually very good news because next year is going to be horrendously expensive.
  • Scholarships
Check. I got two letters of recommendation, wrote a fancy essay, and sent it off to the jury. My cousin is in charge of selecting the winning applicants, so I've got one foot in the door already. Super.
Furthermore, I've been doing a lot of volunteer work. I've been volunteering at the Animal Shelters in a nearby town for the last few months and I love it. I play with the animals and socialize them. I train the disobedient ones. I clean their cages and groom them. It's nice to see animals go to good homes.

I also got a call from another Animal Control center from a different nearby district and the lady that runs it asked me if I would be available to volunteer there as well... except she said that she would teach me how to vaccinate and de-worm and all that good stuff.. so not only would I be doing something I love, I would also be learning. Learning is always a good thing.

I think that about covers it. A lot has happened and I've taken several large and definitive steps forward. I probably won't report back until after my first week of classes. Unless of course I can't help but come back to rant about how absurd the prices for my book list are (which has yet to be released...)

There's no one reading this blog yet, so I suppose there's no one to hold me to these things anyway.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

So much to be done...

I've done my research. I've dedicated hours to youtube videos on the subject and searched every source possible for my options.

I will be attending Baker College (hopefully) of Flint Michigan for 2 years beginning as soon as possible for Vet Tech courses. After, I will ideally find a job in a vet office. While working in a vet office, I will be finishing out a bachelors in Animal Sciences so that if I decide to pursue my doctorate and become a veterinarian, I have the option to do so.

In the coming weeks, there is much for me to do.

I need to find another part-time job.
I need to apply to Baker College (wish me luck)
I need to fill out my Fafsa (which will probably be denied, meaning I'll have to get a loan from a bank. Shit.)
I need to fill out my scholarship forms and seek out references for recommendation letters.
I also need to schedule a campus visit.

Wish me luck on that crap...

Friday, January 1, 2010

It starts.

I have a blog now. I don't know what inspired this. One minute I was sitting in my living room, contemplating what I want to do with the rest of my life. The next minute - here I am.

Since I was 3, there is one thing I've always wanted to do with my life.

Well, two... technically. I don't have the voice to be a broadway star, though, so we'll stick to the realms of reality.

I've always wanted to be a vet. I used to resent my mother for not letting me have pets when I was younger. (Or getting rid of them 5 days after we got them...) I loved animals. I had an affinity for them, though I didn't know what that meant at the time.

I'm 19, now. I graduated high school at the age of 17. Nothing special. I was an average student. I hated math and loved English. I was a band geek, a drama geek, and I hated math. I had fun.

Until recently, I planned on becoming a computer engineer with a specialty in Web Design. I've always been really good with computers. However, I sat down and thought about it.... and I realized that I didn't want to do that for the rest of my life. I get bored with computers too easily. I can only pay attention to one thing for so long when it comes to computers. I couldn't imagine spending my entire life on one. I need to be active. I need to do something more meaningful. That's when it hit me. I always wanted to be a vet when I was younger. Of course, that was before I took a look at the money, time, and dedication involved in becoming one. That was back when I fantasized that I could just snap my fingers and a little lab coat would appear out of thin air with my very own stethoscope and all the information I needed would suddenly appear in my head.

Don't judge me. I was young.

But now I know how much money it costs. How many years it takes. How much college I would have to put myself through. I still want to be a vet. My love for animals is far greater than my hatred for school.

So when did I decide for certain that I wanted to be a vet? When I was 3. But 10 minutes ago as I sat idly on my living room couch with my puppy sleeping on my lap was when I knew for sure. I'm not sure why I decided to make a blog. I mean... literally, the first thing I did was make a blog. Maybe it was my desire to mix together two of my greatest passions in life: writing and animals. Whatever it was, here I am.

I haven't even taken the pre-veterinary courses yet. Hell, I haven't even looked at colleges for this purpose, yet. I still have to fill out scholarship forms and my fafsa application... I haven't done any preparation or research yet.

But I do have a blog.

... which, most likely, no one will read.

This is the part where I shut up and go research. I'll check back later with my findings.